We provide accurate, independent and unbiased medicolegal reports detailing functional capacity. This includes examining the impact of injury or illness on an individual’s ability to carry out all the things they have to, want to and are expected to perform. We accept both plaintiff and defendant referrals for claims relating to motor vehicle, workers compensation, public liability and medical negligence matters.


We understand that our physical and social environment influences our behaviour. Therefore, our assessments are carried out in the client's home environment to ensure that functional requirements can be accurately determined.

It is essential a medicolegal occupational therapist is impartial and conducts a valid and thorough assessment. Our staff have current clinical experience in acquired brain injury rehabilitation and utilise relevant scientific evidence to support all aspects of their work.

Our reports address the questions in the letter of instruction and typically include:

  • Previous, current and future level of independence

  • An outline of the injury, rehabilitation and any outstanding allied health requirements

  • Care provided thus far, both gratuitous and formal

  • Explanation of how changes in body structure and function impact self-care, domestic management, productivity and other valued occupations

  • Recommendations for assistive technology, allied health services and support workers